

technology that improves safety

Technology for Safety

Technology has made it easier than ever to keep a watchful eye and care for those we love. Technology has enabled families to provide additional support and ease of mind to loved ones even when they are unable to physically be present. You are now able to stay connected by monitoring and tracking.  These tools are useful when someone has a disability, illness, disease, or may just need extra safety precautions in the home when we are not able to be physically with them. There are many options available when trying to find the right technology for you and a family member. The following is a list of the most popular, proactive technologies

Medical Alert Devices: These devices are vital for ensuring safety and protection while aging in place. The feelings of independence and freedom are important even as we age or live with a debilitating illness. Omnibus Home Health Care recommends a Medical Alert System for each patient.

GPS locators:  A GPS tracker allows family members as well as professional caregivers to ensure the safety of their patients (or loved ones) when they’re not able to be present. In the event a senior becomes lost or disoriented, these trackers have saved lives. Some include enhanced safety features like emergency alert buttons, services that contact emergency responders, and tools to monitor health metrics.

In-home surveillance: For seniors, monitoring helps ensure their safety, especially when a caregiver is not present. Most importantly, it can keep a watchful eye in a moment of concern. For example, a phone isn’t being answered, or for a general safety concern.

Smartphone apps: Many apps can benefit seniors and their caregivers.  They can remind us to take medication at the right time, keep us moving, and track symptoms. Some apps and watches allow more than one person to monitor heart rate, location, and medical schedules.

Sensors: Some sensors can improve safety at home for kids, adults, and seniors. Sensors can automatically turn off a stove if left on too long, or send an alarm if a faucet runs too long. Almost every aspect of a person’s environment can be monitored from medication dispensers to someone falling.


Caregiving for a loved one can come with a unique set of challenges. Advancements in technology help keep those who need care, safer than when no one is present. These tools allow for limited independence and provide a caregiver’s peace of mind. Although technology elevates safety and comfort, it does not tackle the necessity for human interaction. Even with all the advancements in technology, nothing replaces the human touch.


If you would like to discuss what available home safety technology may best fit your lifestyle, please contact Omnibus Home Health Care. We would love to help you with any of your home health care needs.


Omnibus Home Health Care provides our clients with compassionate in-home health care. Our staff of highly skilled professionals offers quality care for you or a loved one. We accept many insurance plans including traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans, Medicaid HMO, and private insurances plans. We will check benefit coverage on all insurance. This is not a guarantee of acceptance of coverage for our services. Acceptance is based on eligibility, medical necessity, and the requirements of our company guidelines. For more information on insurance coverage call 409.724.7000 and visit our Facebook page for the latest information from our staff.